Friday, 20 January 2012

Better To Be Pissed OFF Than Pissed ON!

Have you ever had a day when absolutely everything pisses you off? You usually don't even know why you are pissed off but it is like a domino effect. One thing in the morning will piss you off then all of a sudden, EVERYTHING pisses you off! I have days like that and it's better to just stay away from me. You can be having an absolutely fabulous day and one little thing can trigger that pissy mood. You know what I'm talking about! It can start as easily as some jerk in the morning stealing your parking spot. Or someone at Timmies getting your order wrong and you don't realize it until you are sitting at your desk at work and you take one sip of your coffee and discover there is no sugar in it and it just tastes vile. No coffee to start the day?! That would piss me off (and has!). And some of the things that piss me off, piss off a lot of other people too...tell me, have you ever been pissed off at....

 ~ people who call you only when they want something...

~ backseat drivers...

~ variant spellings, such as "lite" for "light", "thru" for "through" etc...

~ when you think of the perfect comeback hours after the argument ends...

~ suspecting that 30 years from now, red meat and cigarettes will be found to be good for you...

~ people who believe that a yellow light means speed up (Kelsie this one is for you :) )

~ when the only time you see relatives is at weddings and funerals...

~ being asked, "What do you do?" the moment after meeting someone...

~ people whose lips move when they read...

~ having to follow orders from an idiot...

~ ex-smokers who harrass others about quitting...

~ when greeting card companies invent new holidays just to sell more cards (ie: Bosses Day)

~ people who shouldn't wear tank tops but do...

~ shoppers who block the aisles in super markets...

~ the disgusting slime on canned ham...

~ people who expose a lot of crack when they squat...

~ discovering someone is making a fortune from an idea you mentioned off-handedly...

~ cliques you can't join...

~ breaking all your New Year's resolutions by January 2nd...

~ people who give only because they expect to get something in return...

~ when you notice green fur on your sandwich in mid-bite...

~ when you have a powerful telescope but ugly neighbours..

~ hitting every red light when you are late...

~ food with zero fat, zero cholesterol and zero taste...

~ thirty-five year olds who still live at home..

~ people who can't take a hint..

~ slow fast food...

Next time you get pissed off, remember, it is better to be pissed OFF than pissed ON!

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