Monday, 14 November 2011

Curved Paths

I think it's interesting that we have a preconceived idea of what our future holds. I have had so many wrong turns in my life that I would never have dreamt that I would be where I am today. Wrong turns? I don't think so...just new directions...guided by someone for some special reason. I think the directions we take, whether planned or not, have a reason for being part of our journeys. There are lessons that we learn along those paths that pave the way for future events. And if they aren't lessons for us, then they are lessons meant for others as a result of our directions we choose....

About a year and a half ago, I lost my job. It was devastating to me. Yet my belief was that everything happens for a reason. Although I could not fathom why I should have lost my job I knew there must be a reason even though I could not see it.So, I lost my job in April, had to vacate the condo I shared with my kids, and  had to start over...but where? Well I was planning on moving to Chatham when my lease was up in November of last year so that I could be closer to Darren, but this sudden turn of events really threw a wrench  in my plans. All of a sudden, I had to find a new place to live with no job and no money. And it also threw my kids' lives into a turmoil. If something affects one of us, it affects all of us. So the day I lost my job, I drove to Chatham to talk to Darren, being very upset I knew he was the only person I wanted to talk to. He made me feel a lot better and offered me to stay at his apartment until I get settled with a new job and secure a place to live. Good, I have support and an amazing person to help me get through this. But because of the path that my life had taken, my kids' lives had changed as well.

Now, life certainly does throw us some curve balls. But it is how we catch those curve balls and throw them back that makes the difference.For some, that adaptation is quite easy and the challenge is like an every day occurance. They have no problems with the curve balls. But  for others it is very difficult. Some people have a hard time adapting to changes and if there is to be a change in their life, then they want to be the ones making it. But change is necessary for growth. It is important for people to grow even if that growth was out of their control. I think the change in my life with losing my job and moving to Chatham, has definitely made an impact on my children's lives for the better. They have grown as adults and have had to make uncomfortable decisions that determine their own path in life. Curved paths or not, they all happen for a reason. I know there was a reason for mine :)

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