Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Glass ~ Half EMPTY or Half FULL?

Life certainly has a way of interfering with your plans. As you know, my belief is that everything that happens in your life, happens for a reason. How you react to the things that happen is entirely up to you and will determine your attitude and outlook in life. Is your glass half empty or half full?

Is the glass half empty or half full? is a common expression to indicate that a particular situation could be a cause for optimism (half full) or pessimism (half empty). There has been a lot of things that have happened in my life to make me feel like my glass was always half empty. I quite often thought, "When would all the good stuff happen to me?"  and "Why do other people win the lottery when I am the one that needs it?" You know the kind of thoughts I mean. You have had them yourself. And everyone you know has had them.

As a rule, I am usually a pretty optimistic person. Always smiling and making conversation as if I didn't have a care in the world, like everything was fantastic. Truth is, things get me down the same as everyone else. I start to worry that I can't please everybody. Money is always tight so that means that if I want to do something nice for someone just because I want to, I can't. This bothers me. I have always been the type of person that likes to do things for other people just so they will be happy, and that their day will be just a little better for it. I like to act on my ideas and thoughts, pay it forward as you will, just because I know it would make that person feel good. I would love to send people flowers for no reason at all, buy a round of drinks for my friends when we are out, or even just say, "Here's $20, you need it more than me". Because right now I can't do that, the things I was accustomed to doing, sometimes I feel my glass has a leak. I know things will get better because I always worry too much and things always turn out fine. The important things in life I already have and always will glass really is half full...

~ I have an awesome, awesome family and kids, boyfriend who loves me and takes great care of me, and Maui who keeps my glass full just by being here with those big brown eyes :)
~ I have a job that is full time with benefits and I work with two awesome ladies who always look out for me and make me feel as if I matter.
~ My health is pretty good. Although I feel a lot of aches and pains, luckily I have not ever been diagnosed with anything serious.
~Money, although it is not overly abundant, I have a boyfriend that makes sure I have everything I need. There is always food in the apartment, a roof over my head, Maui is well taken care of, and if I need money for something he always finds it. And if I do have money, then if you need it, it's yours.
~I have the most awesome friends a girl could wish for, and I would do anything for any one of them, unless that required money then we might have a problem lol.

There are so many things I could be negative about, with Christmas coming up and not knowing where money is going to come from to buy presents, food or to travel. But I am keeping in mind what I do have...a Half Full Glass...

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