Saturday, 8 December 2012


                     “Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.”
                           ― John Lennon

So, today I celebrated my 52nd birthday. I have always thought that by the time I turned 50, I would have everything I needed to be able to retire...that I would be financially stable and have the possessions I think I need ( a new car, a modest home and a nice little nest egg). Truth is, I don't have any of these. It sort of makes me feel like I have not been successful in my life, that I have not been focused enough to be where I want to be or should be, and that somehow I have just floated through life.As this may seem true, I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and that I was where I was supposed to be and doing what I was supposed to be doing whether it made sense or not. Why are some people so successful while other people like myself, just float through life?

I'm sure that I am not the only one that thinks like this. So I want to remind all of those people, including me, that success comes in many forms. While some people are successful financially. others like me, are successful in a different way. Although I don't have that fancy house or drive a new car or have a nest egg for the future, I have awesome kids. I can honestly say, they were, and continue to be, my biggest success. I believe I have been a success as a mother because it is evident in my children and how they've turned out. I have been a success as a friend because of all the truly wonderful friends I have, and you have to be a great friend in order to have great friends. And I have been a success as a person, as a woman, simply because I would do anything for anybody, and I don't take people for granted. I live by the Golden Rule and practice it every day.

So next time you feel that you have no successes to celebrate, remember all the things you have accomplished in your life, the important things. Financial freedom can go as quickly as it came, but a successful way of life is irreplaceable. It is that way of life that lives on in your children, it is that success that is celebrated...inspire others to be as successful as you :)

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