Thursday, 20 March 2014


     Can you be happy for

100 days
   in a row?
Sounds easy right? Everyone has some reason to smile every day. But when we put ourselves to the test, we forget that it is the little things that make us smile, that remind us why we get out of bed every morning and why we keep moving on.I have been challenged by my friend, and fellow blogger (Your Average Joe) Mike Sealy, to participate in the challenge and to find and document my own 100 happy days.

Generally I am a pretty happy person but we all have days that we would sooner stay curled up on the couch with a good book and let the day breeze by without us being a part of it. The challenge for me will be to remember the things that make me happy and not to focus on the negative. I will forewarn you, you will see a lot of pictures of my dog Maui, and when possible, my kids. These are my happiest thoughts. So bare with me as you view my daily photo for the next 100 days, they will most likely be boring to you but for me..they spell happiness :) At the end of this 100 day challenge of self induced happiness, I will edit this post to report how my life has changed by focusing on the good things in life. I would strongly encourage anyone who is feeling down or depressed to challenge themselves to this, it will surely brighten even the darkest of days. In the meantime DON'T FORGET TO BE HAPPY!

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